Police Affirm There Are No Life Victims When Ambles Occur on Jalan Gubeng

Fokus Pos. The police confirmed that there were no fatalities in the ambush of Jalan Gubeng, Surabaya. This is based on the Basarnas report which has carried out sweeping locations since Tuesday (12/18) night.

"We got a report from the Basarnas team that it was certain that last night's incident with land subsidence had no casualties," said East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Luki Hermawan when reviewing the location on Wednesday (11/19/2018).

Luki added, since last night the technical team had also held a meeting to follow up on any efforts that must be made to deal with the subsidence of some of the roads. The meeting also discussed the impacts that were expected to occur.

"There were no casualties from the Basarnas team and the evacuation team said. And last night our technical team was directly involved with a number of relevant agencies conducting meetings to follow up on the impact of the road subsidence," continued Luki.

Previously reported, Jalan Gubeng suddenly collapsed on Tuesday (12/18) night. But according to an eyewitness, no vehicle crossed the road during the incident.

"Traffic at that time was not crowded. There were no vehicles on the road that sank," said the witness, Julianto, Tuesday (12/18/2018).

Julianto added, vehicles that happened to pass by immediately stopped when they found out the crane collapsed.

After the crane collapsed, the Gubeng Road went down and split. The length of the divided road reaches 25 meters, while the depth reaches 10-15 meters.


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